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JULY 2024
Sparring Bootcamp poster

Sparring Boot Camp: 

This, for older kids and teens is a sparring training course geared to competitive sparring.

  • It is open to older Juniors, Teens and Adults.
  • It takes place in the evenings of Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 16th, 17th & 18th July, 7pm – 9pm. Doors open at 6.30pm
  • Full sparring gear required including Head guard and Gumshield.
  • The full 3 days is €50 and attendance for one session is €20.
  • Because of the hot weather participants may wear what’s comfortable.


Private 1 to 1 Patterns and Technical training (colour belts only):

Mrs Murphy can offer private classes for colour belt students who wish to learn their new pattern & improve their existing patterns/technical ability.

Sessions are either €30 for a half an hour (all grades) or €50 for 1 hour (blue belt and above only).

Please contact Mrs Murphy directly on 0873290003 to make arrangements. She will not be available between 20th & 31st July.



heading-1Junior Demo Training Workshop 15th & 16th August : This morning Taekwondo workshop will cover all facets of demo training including musical patterns, sparring, breaking, flying kicks etc.

  • This will take place at the Mitchelstown  Taekwon-Do gym over 2 mornings on the 15th & 16th August.
  • Each session  will run from 11am – 1pm.
  • The fee is €40.
  • Bookings can be made online on Legitfit or contact us to reserve your space as space is limited.
  • This event is open to juniors of all grades ages 7 – 13.
  • Booking is essential as Spaces will be limited


Wednesday Evening classes – 7th August onwards

The Wednesday evening classes will start on 7th August. We will run a white to yellow belt class at 6pm and a Senior class (green belt and above) at 7pm – 8.30pm. You may pay by the class online via Legitfit or if you wish to restart your membership, please contact Mrs Murphy (0873290003) at this time.

New Beginner’s Monday Evening class – Bring a Buddy event: We will be trialling a new class on Monday evenings at 7pm throughout August. If you know any Juniors/Teens and adults who may be interested in trying Taekwondo, this 3 week introductory course is ideal. If you refer your friend to these classes, we invite you to also train with them (at no cost to you) to help introduce Taekwondo to them. Contact Mr Murphy for more details

Our Full Timetable of classes including Ninja classes will resume from Tuesday 3rd September.

summercampv3ITA Summer Camp: This will run over the Summer holidays form Friday 12th 1pm, to Monday 15th 2pm, at Midleton College, Cork. It is an action packed long weekend of Taekwondo training with many of the National Team coaches. It is open to Teen+ yellow belts and above. This event for the full board is now fully booked but you may still book into day events. Daily  training is €30 per day this does not include meals. You can attend just one or all 3 days if you wish. If you are interested, please let Mrs Murphy know a.s.a.p. (message 0873290003) because spaces fill up quickly.


National Technical Seminar Sunday 29th September 2024:  We are delighted that this year we have been nominated to host a National Technical seminar in Mitchelstown. This is open to green belts and above and is an opportunity to hone your technical skills, meet grading examiners and train with some of the top coaches and students from all around the country, right on our doorstep at the MLC. and bring a lot of prestige to the club.  We urge all our students green belt and above to attend this event as part of your preparation for black belt.

ITA National Tournament: Irish Cup UL Arena, 2nd/3rd November 2024: This prestigious tournament is open to yellow belt and above. We recommend that you do not enter a National tournament without having attended a Development tournament & done the extra training sessions we put on prior to the event. You may enter for just patterns or just sparring or both and at blue belt level special technique.


Friday – Monday 12th/13th/14th/15th July: ITA Summer Camp

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 16th/17th/18th July: Sparring Bootcamp

Wednesday 7th August: Summer Wednesday training classes begin

Monday 12th August: New Beginner’s classes (Bring a Buddy event) – Stretch/Flex and Fitness for Taekwondo

Tuesday 3rd September – Full timetable of classes begins.

Sunday 29th September: National Technical Seminar MLC

Saturday/Sunday 2nd/3rd Nov: Irish Cup UL Arena

ITA NEWS & EVENTS CALENDER: Each and every event countrywide (tournaments/seminars etc)  can be found in the events section of the ITA website


mitchelstown-taekwondo-t-shirtID Sports in town look after the club gear side of things.  You can purchase gear online or pop into the IDSports Shop in town to check your size and order. They are good quality and hopefully will last a long time. They cost from €20 – €24  depending on size.
Here is the link to order online:



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