Taekwondo sparring


One of the key reasons that students both adults and children, give up training is commonly because they start sparring too soon. Their introduction to sparring is very abrupt, Continue reading “HOW TO TEACH SPARRING SAFELY” »

Counter Attacking Sparring Option

Ever find yourself frustrated with your sparring when you execute a kick only to find your opponent is just that tiny bit out of range? Well, take heart as it can be a common feeling so this article looks at the advantages of counter-attacking as opposed to initiating the attack. Continue reading “Counter Attacking Sparring Option” »

Tailor Made Combinations for Taekwondo Sparring Part 1

One of the most interesting aspects of Taekwondo training is putting together a combination of kicks and punches using some of our favourite techniques and more importantly ones that are tailor made for ourselves. We know from our Continue reading “Tailor Made Combinations for Taekwondo Sparring Part 1” »

Sparring the Taekwondo Ego

Allow me to transport you dear reader, back to when my parents gave me a pair of Boxing gloves in October 1965 for my tenth birthday. I wore them all the time and tested my skills on my younger, terrified brother. Continue reading “Sparring the Taekwondo Ego” »

Taekwondo Sparring for Beginners

MARTIAL ARTS ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE, November 2000, Vol.13, No.6, p.47 – 49.

If you read this article…

You will help the martial arts industry to grow by helping newcomers, ease into the contact side of martial arts. If they have trained regularly and just about to purchase the sparring equipment, you really want to avoid them dropping out. This article could also be called Sparring too much too soon, one of the main reasons for a high rate of student drop out. Continue reading “Taekwondo Sparring for Beginners” »