COVID-19 Protocols

COVID-19 Training Protocols

covid-19 image


The revised set of regulations below which apply to the current training period September/October 2021. These will be reviewed every week week and are subject to change.

Before your child comes training, remind them of how to use proper cough/sneezing etiquette and to wash and sanitize their hands whenever necessary:



1. Parents/Guardians/Students (over 18) must complete the COVID-19 declaration before attending any classes. This is a once off questionnaire. Class sizes will be maximum of 16 students.


2. You must book your class online. Only students who are booked through the LEGITFIT online system into a class may train. This is an important HSE contact tracing requirement. If you turn up without booking online we will have no choice but to ask you to go home again.


3. We ask you to arrive on time, wait in the car or socially distanced outside until we give you the ‘thumbs up’ to enter the training hall. Please do not drop your child off too early or be late picking them up. Try to avoid car pooling.

4. Students should enter and exit the premises wearing a face mask. They can take it off for training.

5. Parents/Guardians/family members may not enter the venue and spectate the classes to keep numbers in the training hall to a minimum and for contact tracing purposes.

6. Only children Age 6 and above may train at the moment (children under age 6 often require parental help, will struggle to stick to the protocols and use the toilets frequently).

7. Try to go to the toilet at home just before coming to training to minimise the use of the toilet facilities in the gym. If you do use the toilet, make sure you wash your hand thoroughly using soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds.


8. If we find that your child is unable to adhere to the COVID-19 Protocol, then we will have to ask you to refrain from booking your child into the classes until they can cope with the restrictions or that the restrictions are lifted.


9. All classes will be 50 minutes long with 15 minute breaks in between to allow for cleaning and disinfecting equipment etc. ready fro the next class.

10. Students must have their own pair of boxing gloves, water bottle and skipping rope (no sharing allowed and we cannot lend equipment). Ideally we would like the students to wear socks, if possible non-porous socks but these are not compulsory.


12. Sometimes a student will be given a piece of equipment for training in class. Only use the piece you are given and do not share it with another student (everyone will have their own). Equipement will be sanitised after the class.


13. Students must sanitise their hands upon entering & leaving the building.


14. Do not jump/hug/mess with other students during the class. Keep socially distanced as far as far as possible.


15. Students must come and leave in their uniform as changing facilities will not be available. We will allow you to wear

T-shirts with your belt and dobok pants for these summer months (July/August) only.


16. We will ask parents/guardians not to send their children training if they are in any way unwell (even if they have a common cold/sore throat etc).

17. Students will be given an allocated area for their belongings & gear bag.

18. Sparring activities will be carried out in pods of max 6.

19. At the end of the training session, students must gather their belongings, sanitize their hands and exit the training premises immediately at the end of the training session.

20. Once you get home, wash your hands immediately and sanitise your training equipment.


Please refer to the short video posted out on Mitchelstown Taekwondo facebook page referring to these steps.


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